Sunday, November 28, 2010

More Steps To Better Creativity

After we talked about boosting and exercising our creativity at the last meeting, I came across another interesting article in my email about the same topic: More Steps To Better Creativity

Happy composing! :)


1 comment:

  1. Nice find! I think I've noticed that kind of thing before, but have never purposely sought to employ such a technique - but it does seem that if I'm struggling with continuing a musical idea and then I don't have time to return to it for a few days, I discover more ideas when returning from that little break.

    This phenomenon actually stands out to me a lot more with piano practicing ... I was actually discussing it with my teacher yesterday during my lesson. It's interesting that after a break from practicing, we can return to our pieces and after a couple of practices or so play them even better than we did before!

    But anyway, this would be an interesting thing to try to purposely schedule for with composing...
