Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog Assignment: Composing on Piano

Since I've only written music for guitar before, I've never used a piano to compose. However, recently, I have begun using the piano as a compositional tool. I found that when writing music for a monophonic instrument, like flute, that it is much easier on piano compared to the guitar. I have more range and I feel like I have a easier time visualizing what I hear. However, since I have virtually no piano skills to speak of, piano is only useful to me when composing single line melodies and things of that nature. When putting chord progressions together, I still turn to the guitar as I actually know how to construct chords other than root position major and minor triads. As I get more comfortable with the piano, I think that as I continue to write for instruments other than guitar, that it'll be my main instrument to compose with.

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