Saturday, October 2, 2010

Music Resume?

Happy Friday everyone, I'm applying for the Aspen Summer Music Festival to study classical guitar and as part of the application process, I need to submit my current resume. Can someone help me construct a good music resume? I have absolutely no idea what to include or how it should be formatted.

Thanks homies,
Ian Jennings Rowe


  1. You should check if it says 'resume' or resume/CV. C.V. Stands for Curriculum Vitae, which is like a much more elaborated resume. In the business world, people want resumes to be just 1 page, because they are looking through hundreds, and are just looking for work history, or anything that stands out. If Aspen only wants 1 page, you might have to match a similar criteria, of how much relevant info you can squeeze into 1 page.

    Now, for music, it tends to be a bit different, because they don't care that you worked at McDonald's from 2008-2009, or whatever. You might get off better listing PROFESSIONAL work (did you write for a play/movie, or receive commissions?), other musical related activities, and prizes/awards you recieved. Maybe also your education.

    For a CV, you want it to be as LONG AS POSSIBLE. Include every performance, every commission, every interview, publishings, lectures you've given, residencies, or anything else u deem important for them to know how insanely qualified you are.

    Resume's are a lot more compact.

  2. It just says to include my current resume with my application and audition tape, nothing about a CV. Anyone have any good examples of music resumes? If someone has one that they made, if you don't mind sharing, that'd be awesome.

  3. Michael's information seems pretty spot on to me; I'd add that you should definitely include your education, even at this point -- for example, you can list your degree and your expected graduation date.

    We actually worked on composition resumes last year. I can email you mine; it's not perfect or anything but I think it covers the relevant bases. Yours will be geared more toward performance experience, but hopefully it will give you some ideas of formatting and details to include!

  4. Great, fantastic, wonderful. Natalie, that'd be great, if you could e-mail it to my account, that'd be super cool.

    Thanks guys,

  5. Hey Ian!

    I'm reviewing old posts that I lost track of, so sorry if this is a bit late. I have a great link that demostrates how to create music resumes here: "The Musician Resume"
